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If you need help with your Wi-Fi password

Posted in Apple Mac OS

What if I don’t know my Wi-Fi password?

If your cable or Internet provider set up your Wi-Fi router:

  • Look for a label on the side or bottom of the router—it might list the default password.

Network Name (SSID): XXXXX

Network Key (Password): XXXXXXXXXX


  • If your provider gave you a setup sheet, look it over for your network information and password.
  • Contact your cable or Internet provider for help recovering or resetting your Wi-Fi password.

If you own your Wi-Fi router:

  • If someone else set up your network, ask that person for help.
  • If you never created a personal password, check the brand of your Wi-Fi router and go to their website to find the default password.
  • To reset the password, either call the router manufacturer or check their website or user guide.

If you’re using a public Wi-Fi network at a library, hotel, business, or other shared space:

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