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Get the latest version of iTunes

Posted in Apple Portable Computers

Information about products not manufactured by Apple, or independent websites not controlled or tested by Apple, is provided without recommendation or endorsement. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the selection, performance, or use of third-party websites or products. Apple makes no representations regarding third-party website accuracy or reliability. Risks are inherent in the use of the Internet. Contact the vendor for additional information.

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Update the iOS software on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch

Posted in Apple Portable Computers

Update your device wirelessly

The easiest way to update your device is wirelessly, also called “over the air.” Here’s how:

  1. Plug in your device to a power source.
  2. Tap Settings > General > Software Update.

  3. Tap Download and Install. Updates might download automatically while your device is connected to Wi-Fi and a power source.
  4. Tap Install, or tap Later to install the update later. If you use a passcode, you'll need to enter it before installing the update.

If you have some free space, but not enough to update over the air, you can either update using iTunes or delete content manually from your device. Whether you use iTunes or update over the air, you'll have the same amount of free space on your device after you update.

Some iOS software updates aren't available as over-the-air updates. VPN or proxy connections might prevent your device from contacting the iOS update servers.

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iPhone, iPad, or iPod not recognized in iTunes for Windows

Posted in Apple Portable Computers

Check for third-party software conflicts

Certain phone and cellular device connectivity software from vendors like Samsung, Nokia, Bora, Novatel, Sony, Android, LG, Sierra, Huawei, Pantech, or Motorola might cause your device not to be recognized. If you have such software on your computer:

  1. Uninstall the phone or cellular connectivity software temporarily, and test. Contact the manufacturer of this software for assistance in doing this. If you use the third-party phone or cellular device for your Internet connection, try connecting to an alternate network using Wi-Fi or Ethernet.
  2. Remove iTunes and all related Apple software.

    Remove and Reinstall iTunes and other software components from Windows XP
    Remove and Reinstall iTunes and related software components for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8

  3. After reinstalling iTunes, test the device.
  4. If you still need your third-party phone or cellular connectivity software that was removed, reinstall the software and test your device to ensure it still functions with iTunes. Contact the vendor of your phone connectivity software if the issue returns.

Also, third-party security software might conflict with devices connecting to iTunes. Follow this article to troubleshoot issues that might be caused by your security software. After resolving any issues that you might have with your security software, you might need to try the steps in this article again.

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Make in-app purchases

Posted in Apple Portable Computers

Make an in-app purchase

When you find extra content or a subscription that you want to buy in an app:

  1. Select the in-app purchase.
  2. Tap Buy to confirm. You might need to enter your Apple ID password.

If you remove and reinstall an app, or install an app on a new device, you'll keep your non-consumable purchases, but you might lose your consumable purchases. For example, if you install a game from your iPhone on your iPod touch, the game levels will sync, but not the extra ammo or experience points.

If you lose a non-consumable purchase, you might be able to download it again for free. Learn how to restore in-app purchases.

If you have trouble making an in-app purchase, make sure that your payment information is up to date.

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Report a lost or stolen Apple product

Posted in Apple Portable Computers

If you have lost or found an Apple product, please contact your local law enforcement agency to report it.

You can take steps to find your lost or stolen iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Mac if you've enabled Find My Mac and Find My iPhone apps. Using your Find My apps allows you to put your missing device in Lost Mode, see its location, or erase its data. Other than the Find My iPhone and Find My Mac apps, there is no other Apple service that finds, tracks, or otherwise flags your device for you.

Learn how to locate Apple product serial numbers.

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Forgot passcode for your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, or your device is disabled

Posted in Apple Portable Computers

Erase and restore

If you can't remember your passcode, you'll need to erase your device, then use a backup to put your data and settings back on your device.


Use these steps if
you've synced your
device with iTunes.

Use these steps if you
have an iCloud account
and have Find My iPhone
turned on. 
Use recovery mode if you
can't sync or connect with
iTunes and don't have an
iCloud account.

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Using your Apple remote for Apple TV

Posted in Apple Portable Computers

Get help if your Apple remote stops working

If your remote stops working with your Apple TV, you might have changed the Unique Identifier (UID). Unpair your remote, and then pair it again.

You might want to change the UID if you're setting up more than one Apple TV in a room, or if you're using a non-Apple remote. To change the UID, hold Menu and Select for six seconds.

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Authorize your computer in iTunes

Posted in Apple Portable Computers

When you authorize your Mac or PC, you’re giving it permission to access your apps, audiobooks, books, music, movies, and other content. You can authorize up to 5 computers, which means that you can play your content on 5 different computers. You can authorize a computer only through iTunes on that particular computer. You can't authorize a computer from another computer or from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.

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